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Thread: Homosexuals

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Implex
    Wow... your pretty smart... seriously.

    all i gots to say is that churches shouldnt perform gay marriages cuz it goes against most bibles or books or faith... but in terms of a legal union and all that... thats fine aslong as Imperial1 stops puttin her name at the end of every post
    Don't flatter yourself.

    "Violent rhymes behind the screen is nothing but shit unseen/
    If you ovulated soap chick, you still couldn't "come clean"" Imperial1

    <--Don't let the DQ loss fool ya. Wack ass credit system. Fuck a rb vote!

    So sick wit it, I don't spit, I vomit

  2. #32
    Merk Squad
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    Forget the bible, churches, government, ect.

    Personally for me, I think homosexuality is wrong. It defies the laws of nature, the physics of our bodies, ect.

    and I do believe it is a choice - hence bisexuals, ect. Perhaps a small percentage is born feeling like they should be a woman/man, but to me that's not gay that's an identity crisis.

    I think half of the attraction to the gay lifestyle, for the people that live it, is the fact it's taboo. Just like kinky shit, it's kinky cuz it's "bad". The other half of it is probably the fact that person has been continuously rejected or seriously hurt by the opposite sex.... and then there's always the freaks that just love anything sexual, I mean if people are turned on my beastiality, I'm sure some people find gay sex enticing.

    To me, it's a choice, and it's wrong.

  3. #33
    Green Hour Madness Bounce's Avatar
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    I am against a constitutional ban on same sex marriage without reason. I am more than willing to allow each state to conduct it self in a democratic way, as opposed to pushing the ideals of a few radical judges on a state supreme court. In California the population was given the chance to ratify same sex marriage in a 2000 ballot initiative, that got voted down by a huge factor. This presured the raidcal judges and elites who were so certain such a liberal state would surely pass the measure, yet it proved their logic wrong. So undermining the peoples will in the state of California, which spoke in a LOUD voice against it, again such radical idealist as Gavin Newsome pulled a stunt that cost his party (imo) when he allowed gay marriage from his office. They were all later invalidated. Not only is it against the states constitution for a city offical to act in such a way, it made the vote in 2000 seem baseless! That is when the President for the first time in his tenure spoke up to protect such actions on the part of radical judges and officals, from invalidating the peoples will. The same can be seen from the home state of Presidential canidate Kerry, he also backs the civil unions with added benifits, something he spoke on before he took to the campain trials.

    I think it's a sad day in our country when the president has to threaten to alter the text of our constituiont, inorder to protect our voters will from the isolated attacks of radical judges and political figure heads, who want to single handedly decide what is right or wrong for the public. More so when the public has already casted thier vote on the issue in opposition! So you see, there is more to the issue that what most see on the surface. THIS TYPE OF RADICAL ACTION ONLY ALLOWS FOR MORE OF THE SAME. Any time a judge thinks he has a better understanding of the issue than the people, he or she may change the law at will. If this kind of precident is set, by allowing what happend in California, and what is on going in Kerrys home state, to continue, we might as well kiss our democracy and constitution good-by!

    I support a nation wide ballot initiative that would allow the population of the indivual state to make such a determination, not a judge, politicain, church and or president!

    Vote Bounce for President 2016, that is word!
    Last edited by Bounce; October 13th, 2004 at 02:38 PM

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  4. #34
    DON FUCKING JOHNSON! FriendlyAlbanian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1
    Okay I didn't see the sarcasm in that. How bout u just say that men PERIOD are perverts. There were hella more black women being raped by white men back in that day.

    Why does everything have to be racial with you.

  5. #35
    Word is Bond Sublime D's Avatar
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    for lichwise..the biblical verse come from paul's letters to the romans....i believe it's the first chapter 26th verse...ill find it

  6. #36
    Word is Bond Sublime D's Avatar
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    Below is Romans 1: 18-32... the bolded selection answers lichwise...the paulinian epistles are a part of the new coveneant as they were written after the life of Jesus Christ, therefore the dissaproval of homosexual union is clearly forbidden for all modern Christians...also...the rest of the passage answers will give the basis for the church arguments against various other sexual perversions...

    also the 32 verse gives my justification for standing against homosexual union...

    18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

    19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

    20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

    22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

    23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

    25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.

    27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

    28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

    29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,

    30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;

    31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

    32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrejtorMiqësor
    Why does everything have to be racial with you.
    When da fuck did everything get racial with me?

    "Violent rhymes behind the screen is nothing but shit unseen/
    If you ovulated soap chick, you still couldn't "come clean"" Imperial1

    <--Don't let the DQ loss fool ya. Wack ass credit system. Fuck a rb vote!

    So sick wit it, I don't spit, I vomit

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrejtorMiqësor
    Why does everything have to be racial with you.
    And by the way, all I said is that it wasn't no different from the sixties when interracial marriage was prohibited. My response was to ol boy who brought up a reference to race. Therefore, HE made it about race with the "so-called" sarcastic statement in which I quoted.

    "Violent rhymes behind the screen is nothing but shit unseen/
    If you ovulated soap chick, you still couldn't "come clean"" Imperial1

    <--Don't let the DQ loss fool ya. Wack ass credit system. Fuck a rb vote!

    So sick wit it, I don't spit, I vomit

  9. #39
    DON FUCKING JOHNSON! FriendlyAlbanian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1
    And by the way, all I said is that it wasn't no different from the sixties when interracial marriage was prohibited. My response was to ol boy who brought up a reference to race. Therefore, HE made it about race with the "so-called" sarcastic statement in which I quoted.

    No. It was a sarcastic statement, reflecting why racist whites wanted to ban interracial relationships. You, basically said "thats funny, because white people rape more people then black people" or something. You took it seriously, and made a racist remark :/.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrejtorMiqësor
    No. It was a sarcastic statement, reflecting why racist whites wanted to ban interracial relationships. You, basically said "thats funny, because white people rape more people then black people" or something. You took it seriously, and made a racist remark :/.
    My stating the fact that black women in the past have been raped by many white men was a racist remark? Okay, I see how you think now. I specifically began my statement in regards to that quote saying that I didn't see the sarcasm in that statement. So instead of you actually pointing out the sarcasm that I missed, you chose to try and pin that I am always talking about race crap on me which was irrelevant for you to say that to me to begin with due to the fact that I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU in the first place.

    "Violent rhymes behind the screen is nothing but shit unseen/
    If you ovulated soap chick, you still couldn't "come clean"" Imperial1

    <--Don't let the DQ loss fool ya. Wack ass credit system. Fuck a rb vote!

    So sick wit it, I don't spit, I vomit

  11. #41
    DON FUCKING JOHNSON! FriendlyAlbanian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1
    My stating the fact that black women in the past have been raped by many white men was a racist remark? Okay, I see how you think now. I specifically began my statement in regards to that quote saying that I didn't see the sarcasm in that statement. So instead of you actually pointing out the sarcasm that I missed, you chose to try and pin that I am always talking about race crap on me which was irrelevant for you to say that to me to begin with due to the fact that I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU in the first place.

    Well, Lichwise wasn't talking to you in the first place either. Its racist in the sense that instead of you saying 'well, thats racist', you instead decided to say something about white people, in a sort of kindergarden 'yes you are' - 'no I'm not' way.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrejtorMiqësor
    Well, Lichwise wasn't talking to you in the first place either. Its racist in the sense that instead of you saying 'well, thats racist', you instead decided to say something about white people, in a sort of kindergarden 'yes you are' - 'no I'm not' way.
    No I didn't state nothing about white people. So you're telling me that I'm lying when I say that particular fact? It would be racist if it wasn't a fact, but in this instance, it is a fact. So a racial comment came up, I questioned it only AFTER the fact that I acknowledged that I didn't see the sarcasm in that quote.

    "Violent rhymes behind the screen is nothing but shit unseen/
    If you ovulated soap chick, you still couldn't "come clean"" Imperial1

    <--Don't let the DQ loss fool ya. Wack ass credit system. Fuck a rb vote!

    So sick wit it, I don't spit, I vomit

  13. #43
    DON FUCKING JOHNSON! FriendlyAlbanian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1
    No I didn't state nothing about white people. So you're telling me that I'm lying when I say that particular fact? It would be racist if it wasn't a fact, but in this instance, it is a fact. So a racial comment came up, I questioned it only AFTER the fact that I acknowledged that I didn't see the sarcasm in that quote.


  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrejtorMiqësor
    Um him, like I'm scared.

    "Violent rhymes behind the screen is nothing but shit unseen/
    If you ovulated soap chick, you still couldn't "come clean"" Imperial1

    <--Don't let the DQ loss fool ya. Wack ass credit system. Fuck a rb vote!

    So sick wit it, I don't spit, I vomit

  15. #45
    DON FUCKING JOHNSON! FriendlyAlbanian's Avatar
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    madonna momma, body bottle ya finah finah, toma cloma, clomb behind vagina, then i hymen grind ha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1
    Um him, like I'm scared.

    Thats my 'Im tired of arguing' emote. Can't we all just ?

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